Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'd rather bust a nut than....

This piece was a bit of a mission. Started off as a bit of a crew wall with a friend of ours who was visiting from Melbourne.
I caught a late start, and between catchups, beers and conversations, didn't quite get it finished.
With every intention of getting back there the next day, life intervened an it was a slight bit longer than I had planned.
The inevitable happened and this almost finished piece was capped hard with some bullshit right thru the middle of it.. I got off lucky though, Honk's piece had a big dick and balls sprayed thru the middle of his.
I liked where this piece was heading too much to let it die so I bit the bullet and went to work fixing it up.
In the end I'm glad I did.

Will upload the joinups of this and a couple of other dope walls soon.

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